This website helps to present updates about the Muriel McKay case, as the content comes directly from the McKay family.
If you feel that you can help with any aspects in order to retrieve Muriel McKay’s remains, please contact us by emailing us. – For press enquiries – For general enquiries
Muriel McKay’s daughter
Dianne McKay (Muriel McKay’s daughter) was aged 28 when she learned that her mother had been kidnapped.
Since discovering that her mother’s body was nowhere to be found, she has made it her mission to find her mother’s remains so that she can finally lay her mother to rest.
Dianne McKay has even had to talk face-to-face with her mother’s killer for these answers.
Muriel McKay’s grandson
Mark Dyer (Muriel McKay’s grandson) was just 7 years old when he learned that his grandma was missing.
Mark Dyer has been helping his mother (Dianne McKay) uncover the facts about this case, spearheading the project to collect his grandmother’s remains from where they were hidden.
Barrister & Attorney-at-Law at New City Chambers
Matthew Gayle is a respected Barrister and Attorney-at-Law at New City Chamber.
During the Muriel McKay case, Matthew Gayle has been the McKay family’s representative on the ground in Trinidad, conducting the discussions between the McKay family and Nizamodeen Hosein.
Without Matthew Gayle, we wouldn’t be where we are today, and the McKay family are extremely thankful for his hard work and dedication.
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